Welcome back! It’s been a while. As I’ve discussed in prior posts, I built an NPK and soil moisture sensor using Arduino. That device would update values to the Arduino IDE’s serial monitor. While it was fun building the sensor and learning a lot about[…]
Read MoreA Journey Towards Sustainable Agriculture
Introduction I have been fortunate to engage in various experiences that have shaped my passion for environmental sustainability, technology, and innovation. These experiences have led me to develop a prototype for precision farming, allowing me to address the issue of fertilizer runoff and further advocate[…]
Read MoreArduino 5V shorting problem
Does your Arduino UNO Board turn off when you connect your 5V pin to your breadboard, especially when you’re working with the Ultrasonic Distance sensor? This is happening because the ground and power are getting connected resulting in a short. Here is an easy way[…]
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