
“The Imitation Game” picturizes Alan Turing’s efforts to crack the Enigma Cipher during WWII, which changed code-breaking and computing forever. The movie and my essay focus on how Turing’s cryptographic accomplishments at Bletchley Park intersect with the field of computer science.

The Enigma Cipher and Turing’s Team

As a prominent member of the Government Code and Cypher School, Turing was tasked with assembling a team of brilliant minds to decipher the impenetrable Enigma Cipher. His colleagues, including Hugh Alexander, John Cairncross, Peter Hilton, Keith Furman, and Charles Richards, united under Turing’s leadership to undertake the monumental challenge. It wasn’t easy though, since Turing was difficult to work with. He looked down on his colleagues, considering them inferior to him, and they were often fed up with his controlling nature.

“Christopher” and The Birth of Computing

Turing was driven by his vision and ingenuity to design a machine that could crack the Enigma Cipher. Thus, the remarkable computer known as “Christopher” was born- a pioneering contribution to the field of computer science.

The Power of Computation

Christopher had a brute-force approach. It tirelessly tried every combination of the Enigma encryption algorithm, but it couldn’t crack the code in a reasonable time. Turing’s realization that the machine could be programmed to exploit known patterns and decode messages provided a vital breakthrough, showcasing the power of computation in solving complex cryptographic puzzles. This vaguely resembles how simulations use AI by using patterns to determine the outcomes of complex scenarios.

The Beginning of Artificial Intelligence

Turing’s work on Christopher also laid the foundation for the concept of artificial intelligence. By teaching the machine to recognize and exploit patterns in the German coded messages, Turing demonstrated the earliest form of machine learning- an early manifestation of the future AI revolution.

Tough Decisions

While Turing’s computational prowess proved instrumental in deciphering the Enigma code, it also presented him with profound ethical dilemmas. Christopher had intercepted a message detailing a German attack on a British naval convoy. But, Turing’s team was unsure about how to respond. Turing had to choose between revealing Enigma’s compromise or letting the attack occur and endanger lives. Much to Peter Hilton’s dismay, Turing chose the latter. Hilton’s brother was a British naval officer whose ship was a member of the attacked convoy.

Legacy and Impact

Turing’s work during WWII not only led to the deciphering of the Enigma Cipher but also sparked a revolution in computer science and artificial intelligence. His pioneering concepts and the creation of Christopher laid the groundwork for modern computing systems, forever changing the technological landscape.


“The Imitation Game” showcases the immense impact of Alan Turing’s contributions. His relentless pursuit of breaking the Enigma code and his pioneering work in the realm of computing continue to shape the world we live in today. His everlasting impact will never fade.

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